

Watch Pepper in Action

ANA Multiculutral and Diversity Conference Keynote: Hiding in Plain Sight. Blacks Matter More than Ever to Brands


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In Clear Focus presents a Thought-Provoking Conversation about the lived experiences of Black Americans today, hosted by Adrian Tennant

Invisible Soldiers: Do the Work

Marketing to Black Audiences

The Role of Research and Co-Marketing for Black Consumer 
Happy Market Research – Diversity in Marketing for Black Consumers

Read the Latest by Pepper 

Pepper Miller shares the inspiration for book ‘Let Me Explain Black Again’

The author and speaker hopes to encourage allyship in America

Pepper Miller is an author, award-winning speaker, consultant, and diversity expert who works mostly in the field of multicultural marketing to advocate for the Black community. Her latest book “Let Me Explain Black Again,” was inspired by challenging others to rethink their understanding of Black people.

Miller shared with rolling out her experience in the field of research, how brands should engage with the Black consumer, and also thoroughly explained the importance of data and insights.

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Michelle Obama’s “Becoming”​ Puts Black Americans in Context

Honoring Michelle Obama During Women’s History Month

Becoming is everything. We know that by now. It was 2018’s number one bestselling literary work, period. Our “Forever First Lady” has sold out stadiums on her North American book tour. She was the topic of everyone’s blog and on everyone’s talkshow. While the book-release buzz has mellowed out a bit, March is about the amazingness of women’s accomplishments. I am honored to recognize Michelle Robinson Obama as an indelible part of Women’s History Month. She, just like the former First Family, is American history. 

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Black media is becoming more underground. 

The revelation sucked all the air out of the room when multicultural marketing and media expert, Deborah Gray-Young delivered the news to a group of marketing professionals. Some of us sighed as if facing defeat. We’ve been living this reality – the fall-out from the divestment and divestiture of Black media by business leaders (i.e.declining ad investments, closed/bankrupt media businesses, etc.). 

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AdAge | ‘Total Market’ Gets Lots of Buzz, but Multicultural Agencies Will Suffer Badly

The Model Has Little Room for Agencies Whose Expertise Is Much Needed

Advertising has a new darling concept for everyone to toss around to show how much they get the need to reach an ever expanding and varied target audience. I’m talking about “Total Market,” which was being touted at the ANA Multicultural Conference this year as the solution for addressing the growth of Hispanics and Asians in the U.S. population,

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AdAge | Barney’s Partners With Jay Z, but Is It Ready for Black Customers?

Accusations of Racial Profiling Show a Corporate Culture That Needs Work

I’m not a Barneys New York shopper. I’ve shopped there in the past, but its very exclusive environment and often snobbish sales staff did not encourage me to return. I just didn’t feel comfortable. At the same time, I felt that this was what they were going for — part of their shtick. If you have to ask how much, you don’t belong.

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