AdAge | ‘Total Market’ Gets Lots of Buzz, but Multicultural Agencies Will Suffer Badly

The Model Has Little Room for Agencies Whose Expertise Is Much Needed

Advertising has a new darling concept for everyone to toss around to show how much they get the need to reach an ever expanding and varied target audience. I’m talking about “Total Market,” which was being touted at the ANA Multicultural Conference this year as the solution for addressing the growth of Hispanics and Asians in the U.S. population,

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AdAge | Barney’s Partners With Jay Z, but Is It Ready for Black Customers?

Accusations of Racial Profiling Show a Corporate Culture That Needs Work

I’m not a Barneys New York shopper. I’ve shopped there in the past, but its very exclusive environment and often snobbish sales staff did not encourage me to return. I just didn’t feel comfortable. At the same time, I felt that this was what they were going for — part of their shtick. If you have to ask how much, you don’t belong.

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AdAge | Why the ‘N’ Word Caught Up With Deen After She Survived an Earlier Crisis

Hypocrisy Over Diabetes Had Not Sunk Her

Paula Deen hid her diabetes diagnosis for three years and then came out with her illness while signing on as spokesperson for a diabetes drug, all the while continuing to promote sugary, high-calorie recipes like Twinkie Pie, Deep Fried Cheesecake Fried Stuffing on a Stick.

Her brand, which is all about food, survived.

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